Agreements between couples can take many shapes and forms (i.e. non-verbal, handwritten). The firm can assist with all types of family law agreements including prenuptial agreements, postnuptial agreements, marital settlement agreements, and post-judgment matters. Our goal is to prepare clients for all foreseeable outcomes (i.e. divorce, separation, or death).

Engagement and marriage are joyous occasions. People tend to develop a negative contention towards pre-marital contracts. However, every marriage comes with certain risks and it is important for all couples to consider pre-nuptial agreements. Postnuptial agreements are appropriated in certain situations, including when a married couple wants to establish or waive certain legal rights but remain married. Marital settlement agreements are the most desirable outcome when the ending of a marriage is imminent. The firm customizes each client’s available choices to achieve their desired outcome in the most efficient and expedited manner.