Schlesinger Law Group's clients know to expect candor and fairness regarding fees and costs for representation.

Miami Law Firm

Schlesinger Law Group's clients benefit from Michael J. Schlesinger’s over twenty-five years of experience and knowledge garnered from hundreds of prior clients and cases. Mr. Schlesinger has represented individuals from all walks of life and all types of social, cultural and financial backgrounds. He practiced in New York City for eleven years before moving to Miami in 1998.


"I am proud of providing my clients with the work product and the aggressiveness of a big firm, without sacrificing accessibility and service." - Michael J. Schlesinger

Michael J. Schlesinger


Mr. Schlesinger received a B.A. degree from Ursinus College in 1984 and a J.D. degree from Southwestern University School of Law in 1987. He attended law school at Rutgers University School of Law-Newark from 1986-1987 more about Mr. Schlesinger


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